Unified Selection Process UFMS – master and doctorate in Environmental Technologies
The unified selection process for entering a post-graduate course is still ongoing. Apart from the information available on the site of PROPP, updates will be posted here as well (linked PDF files in portuguese only, sorry).
Registration through posgraduacao.ufms.br ended on january 24.
Instructions for the english language test which was held feb. 3.
The final result of registrations, after the homologation of the list of candidates, can be found here.
The time schedule for the defenses of projects, marked on feb. 17 and 18, has been released and can be found here. Emails are being send out to all candidates, including the link for the on-line session and containing more detailed instructions. Read this email carefully and make sure to follow the instructions!
Information not yet available will be updated here when it is released, following the time schedule as announced in the original call and additional documentation (annex).
Update: we just published the Notice of preliminary results of the analysis of merits of the candidates.