Notice: final list of selection of candidates for doctorate

Postado por: Marc Boncz

NOTICE No. 10, OF AUGUST 5, 2024

The Postgraduate Program in Environmental Technologies of the Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Urbanism and Geography, of the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul Foundation, through the Selection Committee constituted by Ordinance No. 57-GAB/FAENG/UFMS, in use of its legal attributions, and in accordance with UFMS/PROPP Notice No. 173, of May 13, 2024, which made public the opening of registrations for the selection process of Brazilian candidates to fill remaining vacancies in Propp/UFMS Notice No. 318/ 2023 in the doctoral courses of the Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Programs – PPGs at UFMS, for entry in the 2024 academic year, in accordance with the provisions of this Notice, makes public the Preliminary Result of candidates registered in the month of August, as per the Notice available here in format PDF (in Portuguese only) .


All candidates who had their participation accepted were informed, by email, about the date and time of the defense of their projects, and received a link for the session, which is online and obligatory, via Google Meet.

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