Selection Process 2024-I: preliminary results of the analysis of merit – approved and rejected candidates
THE POST-GRADUATE PROGRAM OF ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES of the Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Urbanism, and Geography, of the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, by means of the selection comission installed by means of ruling nº 14-2023-PROPP/UFMS, by means of its legal rights and obligations, and in agreement with the notice PROPP/UFMS nº 318, of october 10, 2023, which made public the opening of registration for the selection procedure for candidates for the stricto-senso post-graduate courses of MSc and PhD level at UFMS, for starting in the academic year 2024, in agreement with the rules of the abovementioned notice, publishes the Preliminary Results of the phase of avaliation of merit, conform attachments I, II e III of this notice below, observing that:
1. those who want to appeal against the preliminary result regarding the avaliation of merit should do so until the 18th of february, 2024.
2. to file such an appeal, as stated in item 10.3 of the note nº 318/2023, the candidate must send an email with the title : “RECURSO – ANÁLISE DO PRÉ-PROJETO” or “RECURSO – ANÁLISE DE CURRÍCULO”, depending on the appeal, to with a copy to, attaching the form as presented in Anexo III of this notice.
Campo Grande, February 16, 2024.
Marc Arpad Boncz
President of the Selection Comission