Palestra Internacional: Linking hydrometeorological predictions to reservoir-based hydropower operations and planning
No dia 22/03/2023 (quarta-feira) às 9h na sala do PPGTA será proferida uma palestra intitulada “Linking hydrometeorological predictions to reservoir-based hydropower operations and planning” pelo Profa. Dra. Maria-Helena Ramos (INRAE, Antony/Paris, France).
Todos estão convidados para participar e interagir com a professora visitante.
Professional Career:
Maria-Helena Ramos is a research scientist in hydrology and hydrometeorology. She was awarded a BSc in Civil engineering in 1993 and an MSc in Environment and water resources in 1998 in Brazil. In France, she was awarded a PhD in Atmospheric and Earth Sciences in 2002. She carried out research on hydrometeorological forecasting at the Joint Research Center of the European
Commission in Italy, working with the European Flood Awareness System, before joining INRAE in France in 2007. Her research focuses on methods to improve flood and drought forecasting, to communicate forecasts and to inform decision making in water resources management under present and future climate conditions. She is currently the president of the Hydrological Sciences Division of the European Geosciences Union (EGU), member of the Scientific Steering Committee of the World Weather Research Programme (WMO), and a Fellow of the European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF).